How to Use Your Personality to Better Organize Your Home


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Raise your hand if you’ve tried decluttering and organizing your home in the past only to struggle to keep it that way.

It’s okay. That was me too.

I use to think that if I could just get my place neat, that it would magically stay that way. But, I didn’t bother to look at my natural habits and how we lived our life as a family.

It was only once I started to look at my personality and what made me tick that I made REAL progress.

The truth is that there is nothing wrong with you! The strategies you are trying just aren’t right for you.

That’s why it’s so important to understand your personality and organizing style before you start decluttering. Otherwise you might find your home messy again the next month, next week, or heck…even in the next hour!

The following are the top questions to ask yourself when you begin to declutter and organize. Thanks to Cassandra Aarssen of Clutterbug who first turned me onto this idea of visual vs. hidden and micro vs. macro approaches. This is my take and adaptation from what has worked for me.

Top 2 Questions to Ask Before Decluttering

  1. Do I like to see the things I own or would I prefer to have them hidden behind closed cabinets and in drawers? (out in the open vs. tucked away)

  2. Do I like to organize my things into specific categories or do I prefer broader categories? (small and detailed vs. big and broad)

Based on these two questions you can determine your organizing personality.

  • If you prefer see your things, you are visual.

  • If you do not prefer to see your things and instead prefer clean surfaces and items behind closed doors, you are hidden.

Use that on the information on the left side of the graph below.

  • If you prefer to categorize your things, you are detailed.

  • If you prefer to separate your things into broad categories, you are less detailed.

Use that on the information on the top of the graph below.

If you sign up for the 5-day email series below, I’ll also send you the best types of organization containers and strategies work best for each of the personality types.


Your Organization Personality Results

Moment of truth…what organization personality fits you best?

Answer honestly. None of the categories below is better or worse than the others. Trust me, they all have their pros and cons. :)


Now that you know your organization personality, you might start to see why some strategies did not work for you in the past. For example, I need bins without lids because I am “somewhat organized” by nature. When I had bins with lids, stuff just ended up on top and my home became a huge mess.

These are the kind of insights that make all the difference. And the best part is they are just as easy to implement.


Happy decluttering and organizing!

